Girls: Are You Asexual Or On Antidepressants?

The article “Are You Asexual Or On Antidepressants?” by Freya India describes Gen Z and their dependence on antidepressants. Alongside the discussion regarding the reliance on sedative medications, India sheds light on PSSD. The article discusses the persistent symptoms that sufferers endure such as emotional blunting, no libido, and further sexual dysfunction.

The piece also highlights the admission from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, stating that these drugs have been used to castrate sex offenders. India expresses her concern amongst girls who identify as asexual during and after the use of antidepressants, indicating that they could be dealing with PSSD and are actually unaware of the fact. A great point is made throughout the entirety of the story. Do you think antidepressants are the leading cause of asexuality? You can also find a copy of this article from ‘The Spectator’ here.


The Guardian: ‘It Feels Like We’ve Been Lobotomised’: The Possible Sexual Consequences of SSRIs


Psychiatry At The Margins: Can We Please Stop Bullshitting Patients With PSSD?