Support and resources

Frequently asked questions

Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction can be anything from life-altering to completely devastating, but many patients and families have the same questions when they first develop PSSD.

Report your symptoms

Find a list of regulators here to ensure your adverse reactions are reported appropriately.

Patient reports can lead to increased warning labeling and are essential for increasing interest in the issue.

Join the PSSDN Community

Are you looking to connect with individuals who are also navigating the challenging and isolating journey of PSSD?

We invite you to join the PSSDN forum and/or become a part of our supportive Whatsapp community groups!

Become a volunteer

The PSSD Network would not have been possible without the help of the community.

If you would like to contribute to our cause, please get in touch with us.

Inform your doctor

Approach your doctor with the following collection of study abstracts to educate your doctor and to make sure that your adverse effects are properly reported.

Read the academic literature on PSSD

Find a list of the currently available academic literature involving Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.