Daily Express US: Antidepressants could permanently destroy your sex life - and much more, experts warn

The article “Antidepressants Could Permanently Destroy Your Sex Life - And Much More” by Lucy Sarret discusses a concerning amount of people that are now experiencing PSSD. Sufferers of the condition have spoken out and described their persistent symptoms, such as sexual dysfunction and emotional blunting, despite stopping their medication many years ago.

Throughout the article, Dr. David Healy weighs the pros and cons of taking antidepressants. He acknowledges that the issue is often misdiagnosed as a mental illness, such as depression. Due to the negligence and lack of informed consent, patients discuss taking legal action as a hope to get their justice and catch the attention of the companies responsible for this.


BBC: Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure


The Australian: Reckoning Looms For Depression Drugs